A downloadable game

In Banquet Rush, you must collect fruits & berries and quickly catch some fish before the banquet is set to be held.

Installation: Extract the Banquet Rush pacakge anywhere, and then run Banquet Rush.exe to run the game.

Movement: Arrow keys

Interact: Space

Goal: Collect 20 berries each, 5 fishes each and 10 passion fruits within the time period.


Gameplay Programming and Design: Yussi Cerri(Aquele Bot)

UI Design & UI graphics: Rosa A. (Mur1na)

UI Programming & Gameplay programming: Tickle Freak

Music and Sound Design: Mira O. (Mirathel)

Graphics design: Yukina

Updated 18 days ago
Published 20 days ago
AuthorsMirathael, Tickle Freak, Mur1na, Aquele_Bot
Made withKrita, FL Studio, GameMaker


Banquet Rush.zip 33 MB